Dr. Lara May

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10 Ways To Naturally Flow Into Better Digestion

Do you ever feel like your food is just sitting in your stomach for hours after you eat? Or is the opposite happening, and you are running to the bathroom before you have even finished your meal? You are not alone, and there are things you can do improve the situation. Here are ten steps to take now to get things flowing naturally through your gut:

  1. Food Combining – When foods are combined properly, they do not sit in your stomach and rot. That rotting food feeds the bad bacteria and yeast that everyone has residing in their digestive tract. To combine food correctly, you eat protein with vegetables or grains with vegetables, never proteins & grains together. Also, fruits should be eaten alone on an empty stomach.
  2. Fermented Foods – These are naturally fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, etc. They will feed the good bacteria in your gut and help balance your inner ecology.
  3. Enzymes and Probiotics – I suggest that everyone take digestive enzymes and probiotics to help with the digestion of their food and build up their immunity. See my other blogs on these supplements to determine what you might need.
  4. Water – We all know we need to drink plenty of water. A little known Ayurvedic trick is to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before your meal. This will get your digestive juices flowing and your food will get digested better. It will also help you feel more full and you will end up eating less overall.
  5. 80/20 – This rule is to eat until you are 80% full. That leaves 20% of the room left in your stomach for your digestion to work. No one likes that uncomfortable full feeling and your tummy will thank you if you stop just before you are full. Allow your brain to catch up with your stomach. 
  6. Eat Loads of Fiber – Your body needs fiber to carry out toxins, excess hormones, and junk. Eating lots of water-soluble fiber, found in veggies, will ensure that you get plenty of fiber. Just don’t forget step #4! Drink lots of water, too, so that you don’t end up with bulky stool. I prefer vegetable as my main source of fiber.
  7. Short Fasting Period – Give your system at least 3 or 4 hours to let the food get assimilated. Ideally, you should be able to go 5 to 6 hours between meals. When your gut is constantly bombarded by food all day long, it gets confused and doesn’t work properly. Give it some time to work on that last meal before you head to the kitchen for a snack.
  8. Cut Out Sugar and White Carbohydrates – These foods will feed the bad guys in your gut. Avoid them for less gas and bloating – and you don’t want the insulin spike that comes with them either. So many benefits to cutting out the added sugar and refined carbs!
  9. Gluten – A large percentage of Americans are gluten intolerant and do not know it. Try going without for even just a week and see if your digestion feels any better.
  10. Bone Broth – The #1 most soothing and healing drink that you could ever ingest. Homemade bone broth contains all of the nutrients you need to heal your gut if it is leaky and also provides the minerals you need for strong bones. It’s a win-win, must-consume food!


If you incorporate some or all of these tips, you will naturally flow into better digestion and the tummy troubles will disappear. Let me know what you choose to incorporate and how your life improves in the comments below.


If you enjoyed this post and are wanting to THRIVE, not just survive, consider working with me as your personal health coach. Together we will make an actionable plan based on where you are and where you want to be. All of my plans include a comprehensive health history, food plan, recipes, shopping lists and a plethora of support materials, not to mention all the mindfulness tools & techniques I teach you to put those gremlins to rest for good! If your gut has become the baine of your existence then you might be interested in my 8-Week Vibrant Gut Restoration Program.

I invite you to join me on my Facebook page,facebook.com/drlaramay,  where I’ll be sharing more information, tips and recipes to help you live a happier, healthier life.


To your wellness,


-   Dr. Lara

check out this FREE guide!

Do you suffer from gas, diarrhea, or constipation? Is your tummy often not happy with you? Download this free e-book and start rebuilding your gut health ASAP.

Also, check out some of my past blogs on GI health...




Don't forget to click the image to the left to download the Gut Rebuilding Guide!


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