Dr. Lara May

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Welcome to the Equinox Gateway

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Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 6:30 am PDT

Autumn is the time when Nature begins a process of purification and preparing for planting new seeds. This is a great time to reflect and release what no longer serves you and make set new goals and intentions. The fall season is also known to be a time of harvest. This is the time of year for cleansing of body, mind, spirit, and home. It is a time for transmutation and making room for all the good that is coming your way. Cleansing, detoxing, purification, however you want to phrase it, allows things you have already set in motion to come in, be harvested, and fully appreciated.

Regeneration will be coming in the spring, what can you do now? what seeds can be sown to prepare? What do you need to shed in order to embody your Divine Self? Now is the time to embrace the changes that are popping up in your life. Now is the time to embrace what is leaving. Embrace the transition. Allow yourself to get excited for what is coming next knowing you are in the midst of a great FLOW! (My word of 2020.) A lot has built up over this year especially with the wrench of COVID being thrown in the cogs. Let today be the catalyst for releasing that build-up and allowing your life to start flowing again.

With the theme of harvest, also comes reaping. Are you seeing the fruits of your labor? What seeds did you plant last year at this time that you are now harvesting?

It is a time of realignment. You probably felt this energy start about three days ago. Your etheric bodies are being drawn back into alignment with your physical body. Providing opportunities for healing, balancing, and strengthening. It also opens you up and puts you in touch with more Divine Wisdom, intuitive guidance, and conscious sight. Take some time today to appreciate the cycles of Nature that we cannot escape and are always influencing our energy. Purification, planting, germination, sprouting, and harvest.

Archangel Michael is the guide through this season. He provides protection and balance. He also assists with transmutation and alchemy. What lead in your life is ready to be transmuted into gold?

In honor of today and Archangel Michael, I would like to offer you a channeled meditation and reflection to usher in the season of change that is upon us.

Come to a comfortable seat. Breath easily and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. With each inhale bring in supportive energy from Mother Earth, and with each exhale release all that no longer serves you. Again, inhale through your nose the love, light and support of all the Devas of Earth. Exhale release tension and worry. Be here now. Only here. For the moment you have no where else to be and nothing else to do.

We call in and ask to be surrounded with our highest Divine selves, our Angels & Guides of the highest love and light. We call in Archangel Michael and his entire legion of angels to surround us and protect us with their golden dome of protection. We ask that only the highest and best come through, greater than we could ever imagine. Just allow your energy to rise as you read. Feel it effortlessly get lighter, bigger, brighter. Allow the energy from your guides, angels and AA Michael to permeate every cell. Breathe. Feel the expansion. Breathe. Allow the transmutation to be easy and gentle.

Thank you Guides, Angels, and AA Michael for helping us release all that no longer serves us from all aspects of our lives. Thank you for helping us recognize and make loving choices for ourselves. Thank you for assisting us in the transmutation and transition of our lives right now and going forward through this season. We ask that this purification be as gentle yet powerful as possible for our highest good and all those connected to us. Help us be warriors and beacon for the Light. Thank you for helping us to be loving, kind, and compassionate to all those we encounter. Thank you AA Michael for helping us stay balanced and connected with both heaven and earth. We intentionally open to new direction, new wisdom, and new guidance. We are ready to embrace new beginnings today!

Thank you guides and angels of the Light and AA Michael for this energetic cleansing and upgrade. We ask that our energy continue to be cleared and upgraded as gently as possible for the remainder of the day. Thank you thank you thank you. And so it is.


I hope this little burb inspires you to implement a more nurturing practice into your day and autumn season. Remember, it’s not about being perfect, it’s just about much we can stay in alignment. I am here for you, just a message or email away. Reach out with your questions. Sign up for a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.


-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

PSS be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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Want to know more about Archangels ?Dive deeper here!