Dr. Lara May

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Vegetables for Everyday Beauty

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You probably already know how good vegetables are for your health and wellbeing. But did you know they can also work wonders for your skin and make you look noticeably younger?

Certain veggies contain extremely powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which support and nourish the skin, reduce the appearance of blemishes and give it a more vibrant, youthful appearance. Keep reading to learn about five of the best veggies to eat if you want younger looking skin.

  1. Beets

    Beets are a bright colored vegetable that can have an amazing effect on your skin. In fact, studies have shown that the antioxidants in beets can reduce the deepness of wrinkles by over 50%.

    Beets can be eaten raw, roasted or added to salads. Another popular way to consume beets and benefit from their skin boosting properties is to juice them.

  2. Bell Peppers

    Bell peppers contain a wide range of skin boosting nutrients. First, they’re rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the production of collagen in your body – a protein that firms your skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Second, they contain lots of B vitamins, which have been shown to prevent skin blemishes that contribute to the visible signs of aging.

    You can eat bell peppers in lots of different ways. They taste great chopped up and added to a salad and can also be stuffed with a wide range of ingredients. Plus, you can add them to casseroles, stews and other hot dishes.

  3. Brussels Sprouts

    Brussels sprouts are packed full of antioxidants and ingredients that detoxify your body. The antioxidants protect your skin from free radicals that can accelerate the aging process while the detoxifying ingredients remove harmful toxins from your skin and ensure that it remains smooth and vibrant as you age.

    Brussel sprouts are often boiled and eaten as a side dish with roast dinners. However, they can also be chopped up into small pieces and fried with olive oil, salt and black pepper to create a tasty appetizer.

  4. Carrots

    Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A which helps your skin stay hydrated and free from wrinkles. The vitamin A also has the added benefit of keeping your vision healthy and strong as you age. Carrots also contains plenty of vitamin C which helps your skin maintain an elastic, youthful appearance.

    When it comes to eating carrots, you have lots of options. You can chop them up and eat them raw or steam them and serve them as a side dish. Alternatively, they can be used as one of the ingredients in a nutrient packed vegetable soup.

  5. Kale

    Kale has quickly become one of the most popular and talked about health foods around. One of the main reasons for its popularity is that it contains incredibly high levels of vitamin K – an antioxidant that protects your skin from damage and helps keep it smooth and vibrant. It’s also packed full of fiber which reduces your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as you age.

    Kale is extremely versatile and can be eaten in almost any way you can imagine. It can be added to salads, used in smoothies, baked, boiled or steamed.

Want glowing skin? Try this amazing Carrot Juice Recipe for the glowing skin you desire:

·       5 medium carrots

·       2 beets with greens

·       A handful of spinach

Directions: Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Peel, top and tail the carrots and beets. Run everything through a juicer. Stir everything well and enjoy! For an extra boost add a scoop of collagen powder to help maintain skin elasticity and integrity.

Before I go for today…What would it mean for you if you felt great in your body? If you had the clarity of mind and the energy levels to do all the things you wanted? I am here for you, just a message or email away. Reach out with your questions. Sign up for a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.

To start today, I have a super easy & approachable 14 day course, that will help you create healthy habits, and rid your body of toxicity and inflammation in a safe and natural way. For the price of 1 meal at a restaurant, you can start changing your life, step-by-step at your own pace over a 2 week period. Check out the 14 Days to Vibrant Health Course here.




-   Dr. Lara


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