Dr. Lara May

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Dry Brushing Part 2: The How To

So, you bought your dry skin brush and you have read all the tips and tricks about the technique. You know what the benefits are and how to make them work for you. Now want to get started and you have no idea how to do the technique. Everything you have read has probably told you what the techniques are, but failed to give you the steps you need. Here are the basic steps for how to dry skin brush and get the most from your brushing routine.


Step 1: Get in the Shower


One of the first steps you need to take to dry skin brushing is to get in the shower. You want to be in a place where the dry skin is contained and can be removed from the area easily. You will also be showering right after the dry skin brushing in order to remove the extra skin that the brush may not have removed. It will also serve as a method to clean the pores and rejuvenate the cells. If you do not want to shower, you can choose to take a bath instead. As long as one or the other follows the dry skin brushing.


Step 2: Brush Your Entire Body


One thing that you may be questioning is what part of your body you should dry brush. The truth is you should be brushing your entire body. You may be wondering how to handle areas like breasts and other sensitive areas of the body. All you need to do is brush lighter in these areas, but do not avoid them. You need to remove the dry skin from every area of your body to keep your skin cells moving and to keep the skin health in good standing. So, the answer is …brush your entire body avoiding nothing.


Step 3: Alternate Your Water Temperature


One aspect of the dry brushing method that you may not consider is the water temperature you use after the procedure. A lot of people suggest going from having the water as hot as you can stand it to as cool as you can stand it. You do not want to do this immediately. Make it a gradual decrease in temperature from hot to cold. This is done to open your pores and then close them. Getting them cleaned and then tightened will also help with cellulite.


Though you can add several steps into your dry skin brushing, these are the basic steps you get you started. You may find that you want to make this time more of a spa and relaxation time for your body by adding essential oils or other techniques. Though those are fine to add later, the basics are where you should start.


If you are feeling called to take the next step, contact me to set up a clarity call. Together we will discuss your healing journey, and make an action plan to get you to your goal.

If one-on-one coaching isn’t your thing, but you are ready to make a change, I have a super easy & approachable 14 day course, that will help you create healthy habits, and rid your body of toxicity and inflammation in a safe and natural way. For the price of 1 meal at a restaurant you can start changing your life, step-by-step at your own pace over a 2 week period. Check out the 14 Days to Vibrant Health Course here.




-   Dr. Lara


Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,facebook.com/drlaramay,  as well as Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay. Also, be sure to tune into my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or Anchor.Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in a easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments and suggestions.

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