Dr. Lara May

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Living in the Moment While Nourishing Your Body: Tips for Mindful Eating

Mindful eating keeps us present as we nourish our bodies, enhancing enjoyment and satisfaction with food. These simple tips make it easy to integrate mindfulness into your eating habits.

Slow Down

Instead of rushing through meals, slow down and savor each bite. Chew thoroughly before you swallow. Pause between bites. Appreciate flavors and textures as you eat.

Eating slowly allows you to tune into physical hunger cues. It also enables you to fully taste and enjoy food when you eat mindfully.

Eliminate Distractions

It’s easy to get distracted and eat mindlessly. Meals in front of the TV, while working on your computer, or scrolling on your phone take you out of the moment.

Give your meals your full attention by removing distractions. Sit down at a table without electronics or reading material. Bring awareness to every aspect of the eating experience.

Check In With Your Body

Before you begin eating, tune into physical hunger signals. Rate your hunger on a scale of 1-10. Throughout the meal, check in again. Notice when you start to feel satisfied.

Paying attention to these cues reconnects you with your body’s innate wisdom around food and eating. It prevents overeating.

Photo by Gene Ortega

Engage All Your Senses

Make an effort to fully engage all five senses as you eat. Appreciate how the food looks on your plate. Breathe in the aromas. Savor flavors. Notice the textures inside your mouth.

This sensory awareness immerses you in the present moment, enhancing the enjoyment of every bite.

Observe Without Judgment

We often unconsciously judge foods as good or bad while eating. Mindfulness means watching these judgments arise without attaching to them.

Allow any thoughts about calories or nutrition to pass by. Then gently bring your attention back to the sensory experience and your body’s signals.

Eat Without Distraction

It’s easy to eat while distracted - watching TV, scrolling through your phone, working on the computer. But this leads to mindless overeating.

For mindful eating, eliminate all potential distractions. Sit in a peaceful environment with no electronics. Give your food your full attention.

Check-In Emotionally

Notice any emotions that arise before or during your meal. If you feel anxious, stressed or depressed, mindful eating helps you become aware of that.

Taking a few deep breaths or doing a short meditation can reset you emotionally so you don’t rely on food to cope.

Appreciate Each Bite

Savor every bite - don’t just inhale your food. Focus fully on the flavors and textures with each mouthful before you swallow.

This act of appreciation nurtures gratitude for the food fueling your body. It also slows down your eating pace.

Integrate Mindfulness Into Your Routine

To make mindful eating a habit, work it into your regular schedule. You could practice for 10 minutes at every breakfast or choose to eat lunch mindfully each day.

Whatever routine works best, consistency is key. Over time, present-moment awareness simply becomes part of your eating experience.

If you're looking for support when it comes to your health, you can book a FREE 30-Minute Health Discovery Session.

You may book a free discover session here.

I have 3 different memberships to support your self-care, check these out here… https://www.drlaramay.com/memberships Whether you are looking for monthly energy healing, quarterly/seasonal detoxing, or monthly healthy eating recipes, I’ve got you covered.

If you are looking for more personalized help then you can take advantage of my Beta Life Coaching Program on sale right now for $160. 8 sessions in 8 weeks focused on whatever you need most. Here is the link to check it out… https://www.drlaramay.com/store/p/light-body-life-coaching-beta-tester

It is my privilege to be able to guide you along your healing journey. Please feel free to reply and let me know how I can be of service to you.


P.S.: Don’t forget! Join me on my Facebook page,  as well as YouTube, Instagram & Twitter @drlaramay.

P.S.S.: Be sure to tune in to my podcast on your favorite platform, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean, or Anchor Fm @Light Body Radio to get all the juicy info coming your way in an easily digestible format. I look forward to hearing your feedback, comments, and suggestions.

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(pronounced like Sarah, but with a L) 

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